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By Platinum Team April 2, 2017

Meet Platinum: Shelby Mallory

This post is part of a series to help you get to know the members of our team. We’re real people who call Arizona home, not a big corporate machine! Keep an eye out for more Q&A’s with the Platinum team.

Tell us a bit about your personal background and family.

I was born and raised in a suburb north of Detroit, Michigan. I moved to Arizona, sight unseen, in 2010 to finish my degree at ASU in 2012. I have two Shih Tzus, Bertolli and Zora, who are my fur-babies. It’s very hard being so far away from family, but I stay connected and talk to them as much as I can — sometimes a few times a day! It’s like I’m still in Michigan, minus the snow and freezing cold! I’ve grown to love Arizona, particularly the climate and beauty.     

What has your career been like? / How did you get started at Platinum?

I have held positions in a broad range of industries over the last several years. I spent time in the salon and spa industry, and have also spent years both managing merchant accounts and in the automotive aftermarket performance industry. Recently, after zeroing in on my own passions and visions, I knew I was ready to get out of the everyday office setting and focus on interacting with people in an upbeat and interactive environment. I was fortunate enough to have a great friend call me one day to let me know about the opportunity with Platinum. I was headed to see family in Michigan and missed my flight so I could interview with Platinum, and here I am!

What are your hobbies?

I love to cook, read and spend time with good friends and family (and of course, my two dogs). I grew up near lakes, so any chance I get, I love to slalom water-ski, lay in the sun and spend time on a boat. Some locals may say I should be ashamed to admit this but I am an avid Detroit sports fan…Detroit Tigers, Detroit Lions, sign me up!  I love the game, enjoy watching it and, yes, I actually get it. I scream at the TV every NFL Sunday and try to catch almost every baseball games (season is 162 games!).  

What have you learned that you would love to share?

Make sure you stay in tune with and follow your own intuition, despite your fears and doubts. Tomorrow is not guaranteed; live every day to the fullest. Say you’re sorry, and own your mistakes. Learn from the past, and look forward to the future. Treat others the way you want to be treated. From the words of the great Dalai Lama: “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”

What does “home” mean to you?

Home is love. Home is security. Home isn’t always a place but a feeling. The feeling that you are still safe even in your most vulnerable state. That is home.