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Tag: Home Warranty in Scottsdale

Home warranties have many benefits for homeowners that protect their homes and offer peace of mind.  When it comes to buying and selling homes,  both buyers and sellers can benefit from having a home warranty.  One might think that, when selling a home, a home warranty would only benefit the buyer who will take over the home but, in fact, it benefits everyone.

The first and most important benefit for sellers is that it offers a competitive edge in the housing market.  When you go to sell your home, you want to sell it quickly and for top dollar.  With a home warranty, buyers will be that much more attracted to your home because they will feel safe and covered should something go wrong and they will also know that you have taken good care of your home.  If they are considering a similar home in the neighborhood, having a home warranty may give your home the competitive edge it needs to be out the other home.  Additionally, having a home warranty may help lessen the amount of negotiations with the buyer after an inspection because they will feel covered should something go wrong.  Another benefit for sellers is that the home will be covered and protected should something go wrong or break while the home is listed or in escrow.

The seller is certainly not the only one who benefits from a home warranty, the buyer benefits immensely from purchasing a home with a home warranty.  First, purchasing a home is very expensive and you will be spending money on not just the home but on moving expenses and decor. If you purchase a home that has a home warranty, you will not need to worry that a huge repair will pop up, costing you money you may not have readily available.  A home warranty protects home buyers from additional costs for surprise repairs.  Additionally, buyers will have peace of mind that their new home is covered should something break down.

When you move into a new home there is a lot to learn about the new home and having peace of mind that your home is protected is priceless.  An existing home warranty will also make home ownership easier.  When things break down, it can be very frustrating to try to find a reliable and knowledgeable handyman or repairman that can do the job. When you purchase a home with a home warranty, you simply need to call the home warranty company and let them handle it from there.  They will send a trustworthy and experienced handyman to handle your job and will handle all of the legwork.  A home warranty is simply a good choice for both home sellers and home buyers.

1. Water Repairs Water is one of the biggest culprits of expensive and extensive home repairs and maintenance issues. It’s best if you have a routine maintenance schedule to check for water issues throughout your home, even if you don’t see signs of water damage. Even the smallest of water stains can be an indication of extensive and expensive home maintenance repairs, so you’ll always want to be proactive. Make sure that you keep your downspouts and rain gutters clean and that you take care of any cracks that you might have in the stucco of your home. Whenever you’re repainting your home, only use high quality paints to keep water from seeping through. To keep water out of your walls and floors, be vigilant about recaulking your toilets, sinks, bathtubs and showers. Leaks in your windows can lead to mold and damage to the structure of your home, so take care of those as soon as you notice them. Another good tip is to keep all plants and vegetation around your home well-trimmed in order to make sure that rain runs away from your home. 2. Roof Inspection Your roof protects everything underneath it, which is why it’s crucial that you stay on top of roof maintenance and repairs. Have a professional come out to inspect your roof at least once a year in order to avoid costly home maintenance repairs in the future. If you have an older roof or one that has been exposed to severe weather, you’ll want to have it inspected more often. The better you take care of your roof the better you’ll protect the overall value of your home. The more damage you have to your roof, the more expensive and complex the repair will be. 3. HVAC System Maintenance You’ll also want to make sure that you stay on top of your HVAC system maintenance. HVAC systems include air conditioning units, furnaces, vents and heat pumps. It’s best that you have your HVAC system serviced once or twice a year, preferably before the winter and summer season when you depend on a working heater or air conditioner the most. Homeowners should also make sure that the vents in their home are clean and in working condition so that there’s less chance of them experiencing respiratory, allergy and other health complications. You might not realize it, but it’s entirely possible that the air inside of your home is dirtier than the air outside of your home. Staying on top of HVAC system home maintenance is a good way to improve your indoor air quality. 4. Peeling Exterior Paint Protecting your exterior paint from peeling is another good way to maintain the value of your home. Peeling paint is another moisture issue that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. If you do notice peeling paint, chances are good that you have a leak in your gutter or steam is trickling through from the bathroom on the other side of the wall. Make sure that all of your bathrooms are well-ventilated and that you take care of the moisture issue as soon as possible so that you can avoid having the siding of your home rot. 5. Termites & Carpenter Ants Termites and carpenter ants can seriously compromise the integrity of your home. This is a maintenance issue that you can take care of your own by looking for pencil-thick mud tubes around your home and even tapping against the wall to see if you can hear anything that sounds like crinkling cellophane. Call a pest control professional as soon as possible if you even suspect that you might have a problem with termites or carpenter ants. Staying on top of home maintenance can save you thousands of dollars and will maintain the overall value of your home. Create a maintenance schedule and stick to it.]]>

Getting your roof in shape now will give you peace of mind knowing that when the monsoons hit later your home and belongings will stay dry. By following a few steps you can easily determine the condition of your roof. You should start with inspecting it to make sure it is in good enough condition to move all that rain water away from your house. You can also do most of the minor repairs at the weak spots you find before the water can do any more damage.

Start by inspecting the roof from the outside. You may need a sturdy ladder that’s tall enough so you can see every part of the roof or be able to climb up onto it. Look for any roofing material that’s come loose. You may want to carry a hammer and the other materials needed so you can replace loose or missing shingles or tiles as you find them. Wood shake style shingles can be very slippery when wet so be very careful walking on this type of roof. You will want to check for corrosion or rust if you have a metal roof. No matter what type of roofing material you have, if there are slopes check the valleys where water or debris can accumulate and cause mold or rot. There are also often flashings in these areas, which are metal pieces used to deflect the flow of water. You will want to check to make sure any of them are still securely held in place.

After finishing inspecting the top of the roof you may want to walk around the parameter of your home and visually inspect the gutters. They should be securely fastened to the house. The downspouts need to be facing outwards so that the water will be diverted away from your foundation. While walking around your home you can also inspect any eaves or overhangs to make sure they do not show any signs of water damage. If there are water spots on them you may want to double check that section of roofing material to find the problem.

You may want to go inside your home next to check the ceilings for any signs of water damage. They are easy to spot because your ceiling or drywall will be discolored. A flashlight may come in handy when there’s not a lot of light. You can use the flashlight too when inspecting the attic if you have one. Safety is extremely important when trying to navigate around all of the beams and rafters. You should look for any problem spots or rotted wood where you can see that water has leaked inside your home. Any insulation material near a leak may still be wet. You can also check for leaks by turning off your flashlight and looking for any places where you can see the sunlight coming in from outside. If you can see the sunlight coming in from outside that means there’s a hole there that needs to be fixed. If you have any questions about any repairs you may want to talk to a roofing professional to avoid doing anything incorrectly.

Once you have completely inspected your home and fixed any minor repairs you may want to check your current homeowner’s insurance policy to see if have roof leak coverage. Many policies cover damage from hail, lightning and other types of storms. But you may need to get a separate coverage to protect yourself from expensive leak damage. If you do not already have it you may want to talk to an insurance agent. Extensive water damage can be costly and it may require you to have an entirely new roof installed, as well as replacing damaged support beams and drywall inside your home. Roof leak insurance may be an affordable and cost effective way of protecting your home.

Unlike living in an apartment, you have to pay for and take care of all of your home repairs. Until you have to pay for them yourself, you might not realize how much it costs to have you bathroom sink unclogged or your living room fan repaired. It’s recommended that you have an idea of some of the more common household repairs and how much they’ll cost you so that you and your finances can be properly prepared for the inevitable. Locks and Doorknobs Since you use doorknobs and locks every day, they stand more of a chance of becoming damaged or malfunctioning. If a doorknob becomes loose enough, the handle can stop working and you’ll find yourself fighting like mad just to open the door. The reason the doorknob becomes loose in the first place is because the small screw that attaches the doorknob around the spindle gets loose. Over time locks can stop sliding the way they should and can become hard to move. It can cost you anywhere from $115 to $200 to have your door lock replaced. Blocked Drains Clogged drains are both common and frustrating. You can always try to unclog the drain yourself, but with some methods you can wind up doing more harm than good, which can cause you to have to spend more money when you finally call a professional to have the drain unclogged. In order to have your drain unclogged, you’ll be looking at a $200 to $220 bill, depending on the severity of the clog. Do everything you can to keep your drains from clogging by occasionally pouring chemical cleaning agents down the drain. Leaks in your gutters are something else to watch out for. Such leaks can be caused by deposits of ice that either melt or crack in the seams of a downspout. Too keep this from happening, use gutter caulk. Overflowing Toilet You’re guaranteed to experience at least one or two overflowing toilets as a homeowner. What happens is that the toilet becomes blocked and the valve remains open instead of shutting like it normally would. One way you can try to keep this from happening is by taking the top off of the toilet tank and finding the tank ball right above the outlet valve and pushing into the valve in order to keep the water from flowing. If you have to call a plumber, you can expect to spend $125 to $185. Educate yourself about some of the common household repairs and breakdowns that you’re likely to experience so that you know what to do and how much you’ll probably have to spend before the incident happens. If it’s at all possible, looking into getting a home warranty to make the costs cheaper and easier on you.]]>

Buying a home is generally the largest purchase that an individual will make.  Costly repairs and replacement of older items that can be found in an existing home are not usually things that a new homeowner wants to deal with.  It can be both expensive and time consuming.  Unfortunately, as a home ages it is bound to have some items that need to be repaired or replaced.  To protect your investment and your sanity when buying a piece of real estate, be sure to investigate home warranty options.  A home warranty provides coverage that a standard hazard insurance policy would not.  Fill in the gaps in your home insurance policy with a home warranty.

Homeowner’s Insurance Policy Coverage vs. Home Warranty

In order to close on a home it is required to have a homeowner’s insurance policy of some sort in place.  The lending company can even require a homeowner to obtain specific coverage levels or endorsements to ensure the risk they are taking on as the lender would be lessened.  Only under rare circumstances would a homeowner get away without having an insurance policy on his home.  It’s simply a must have item.  There are always gaps in coverage that provides the insurance company a way to wiggle out of some responsibility, however.  In order to fill these gaps, particularly in the first year of homeownership, a homeowner can obtain a home warranty to provide coverage where the insurance policy typically ends.  Major appliances and electrical, heating, and plumbing systems would be covered.  The out of pocket expense to obtain a home warranty is negligible, particularly when compared with the coverage it provides.

Manage Unexpected Household Expenses with a Home Warranty

A home warranty can protect you from having to deal with the expenses of repair and replacement items within your home. In fact, it can help you manage those items which will eventually expire in a way that reaches well beyond a standard insurance policy’s provisions.  Usually a home warranty is one year in length and covers major appliances and systems that an insurance policy does not.  A basic warranty would provide coverage for the following items:

  • Ductwork
  • Central heating
  • Air conditioning
  • Plumbing systems, stoppages and toilets
  • Water heaters
  • Electrical systems
  • Telephone wiring
  • Garage door openers
  • Ceiling fans
  • Ovens, ranges, cooktops
  • Garbage disposal
  • Dishwashers

In addition to these items listed here, there are many more systems and appliances that would be covered under the provisions of a home warranty.  Rather than worry about the expenses associated with these items during the first year of homeownership, manage them with the purchase of a home warranty.

Home warranty coverage has never been mandatory. This differs from many other types of insurances. In stark contrast is automobile insurance, which is enforced with a fine in most states. Other optional insurances include life insurance, health insurance (for now), and house payment insurance. Whether a family takes advantage of these insurances depends on their current financial circumstances, their sense of responsibility, and their ability to produce a long-range financial plan. On the other hand, home warranty coverage, although optional, tends to be considered essential to many who contract it.

When a responsible person owns a home, they are concerned about two things: utility and aesthetics. In other words, they want things to work and they want the house to look good. The problem is that when there is a problem with a home or one of the major appliances fails, it is often an expensive repair prospect. For a family that is living on a month-to-month budget, this can mean that the appliance is not going to be fixed for at least a month. If the appliance in question is the air conditioner, and it breaks during the summer, the problems with waiting a month are obvious. Besides the discomfort, the family members may become terminally irritable, and health could be affected. Similar scenarios can be constructed for failures involving the water heater, the house heating system, or the washer / dryer system. This is the first bastion provided by the home warranty coverage, that repairs for key appliances are done within a few hours or days. When critical appliances like the water heater cause a flood that cannot wait for a lengthy repair, home warranty coverage can include emergency service, which can bring a qualified repairperson to your premises almost immediately at any time of the day or weekend.

The second thing that concerns a homeowner is the look of his home. It concerns the neighbors as well. Due to financial circumstances, a family may justify putting off repairs that affect the look of the home, but neighbors may not be so understanding. A home in disrepair lowers the values of the homes in the entire neighborhood. If your neighbor is trying to sell his home, it can cost him actual money. It also attacks the sophistication of the neighborhood, the elements that build a healthy pride in the inhabitants. Of course, not everyone cares what the neighbors think. More fools, they. However, they hurt themselves as well when the state of their home begins to destroy their own pride and self-esteem. Letting your apartment or rented home go to pot a little is one thing, but not taking care of your own property can really be damaging to the psyche.

Of course, you cannot buy what you cannot pay for, but this is when home warranty coverage can be so important. Although a family may struggle to keep up with the costs of home repair, especially when they all come at once, the cost of an annual home warranty is only in the range of several hundred dollars. If a family can budget this amount, then they can take care of problems concerning both how the house looks and how the house works. They can keep their beautiful home looking good and they can make sure that their life goes smoothly and efficiently with the benefit of working appliances.

Buying a home is an expensive process, no doubt about it. With the thought of moving expenses, possible renovations and purchasing new furnishings, many buyers opt out of purchasing a Scottsdale home warranty in an effort to save money. A home warranty shouldn’t be thought of as an expense, but rather an investment. Here are a few good reasons why a home warranty is money well spent. A home warranty is essentially an insurance policy that will pay for repair or replacement costs of major built in appliances such as water heaters, ranges, dishwashers, and garbage disposals, as well as mechanical systems such as HVAC, plumbing, electrical wiring and such. Whereas homeowners insurance provides coverage for hazards, a home warranty provides coverage from everyday wear and tear. The cost of a home warranty in Scottsdale is usually a few hundred dollars. This pales in comparison to the cost of replacing or repairing any of the above items. A home warranty will protect you from unexpected, expensive repairs such as these for a certain period of time after closing on your new home. You can also purchase additional coverage for appliances and amenities that aren’t covered by a traditional home warranty. These may include washers and dryers, home theater systems, spas and/or pools. If you are purchasing an older home with any of these items, it is usually a good idea to opt for the extra coverage. Even if the home has newer appliances a Scottsdale home warranty is a wise investment. Most manufacturers void the warranty of appliances with the sale of a home. Furthermore, with the decreasing quality of many brands and the rising cost of labor to repair appliances, a home warranty is a must-have. In some instances, you may not even have to pay for a home warranty in Scottsdale. In a buyer’s market, when there is more than a six month inventory, seller’s often include a home warranty in the purchase price of the property in order to make it more attractive to buyer’s. This benefits them as well as you. You can take comfort and have confidence knowing that most everything in your home is protected, even when you are short on cash. If a home warranty is not included in the initial listing, your Realtor may be able to negotiate a home warranty into the purchase contract. Many sellers are anxious to close the transaction so they can move on to the next chapter of their life and are willing to make a few small concessions such as this. It never hurts to ask: the worst they can do is present a counter offer. A word of caution, however, before purchasing a home warranty: do your research. Make sure that the company is reputable and will process any claims with efficiency and professionalism. With one phone call you should be able to get a service technician to fix the problem. Also, read the contract before signing anything and make sure that you have the coverage that you want and need. If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask your Realtor. Obtaining a Platinum Home Warranty in Scottsdale, Arizona is a sound home investment tip.]]>