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Tag: Home Warranty

We all rely heavily on our refrigerator to keep our food cold and give us the ability to feed our families. We depend on our refrigerators to be there for us every day and for them to work properly. Many of us forget that even our refrigerator needs some standard preventative maintenance. For those of us that also make the wise investment in a home warranty that helps protect our appliances, it is crucial that we protect our investment and properly maintain our appliances. While it is easier for many of us to have a mentality that “if it isn’t broke don’t fix it” but some standard maintenance could extend the life of our appliances and keep them running properly. Maintaining our refrigerators will only pay off in the long run. With refrigerator maintenance, one good place to start is safety precautions around the outside of our refrigerator. You should not place any plastic bags or paper on the top of the refrigerator. These items could fall behind your refrigerator and block proper air flow to the condenser coils. Additionally, with regard to the condenser coils, you can dust them off annually. To clean the coils you can buy a condenser coil brush or use the hose attachment on your vacuum. If you have pets consider cleaning your coils more frequently as pet hair can build up rather quickly. If you have dusty condenser coils it can cause your appliance to work harder, increasing energy bills and shortening the life of your refrigerator so maintaining your coils is an important place to start. The next area you will want to check is the drain hole and drip pan. The drip pan is located at the bottom of many refrigerators. It collects any condensation and excess dirt. You will want to remove any food and thoroughly wipe down the drip pan. Additionally, you will want to clean the door gaskets of your refrigerator. You can clean the gaskets with warm soapy water and dry them off. Over time, door gaskets can get dry, cracked, loose or torn. You will want to ensure that you have a snug fit all around and replace any gaskets that may have problems as this can allow warm air to get into your refrigerator and cause food to spoil. You can also rub Vaseline on the gasket once a year to keep it pliable and help prevent cracking and tearing. Lastly, you will want to replace your water filter twice a year. This will help prevent a clogged line in your refrigerator, especially in regions where water is not as clean. By cleaning your refrigerator’s water filter you will also make sure your water and ice are clean and better quality. When we spend a lot of our hard earned money on an appliance and rely on it daily, like we do with our refrigerators, following some simple yearly maintenance tips is a good protection of our investment and only takes very little of our time. By doing these annual and bi-annual checks we can greatly extend the life of our appliance and keep that extra repair money in our pockets. The last thing anyone wants is to wake up to a refrigerator full of spoiled and wasted food. That is just money down the drain. By taking these preventative steps we can have peace of mind that our appliances will be there when we need them.]]>

A great way to protect your home and appliances is to invest in a home warranty. It will give you the peace of mind that, should you wake up to a major problem with one of your appliances, you have someone on your side to help you get the proper and timely repair you deserve. You will not have to worry whether or not your repairman is properly trained or reliable, you will be able to contact your home warranty company and get your repair done quickly. One appliance most of us rely on is our dishwasher, but, it can break down. Your home warranty plan can help when a breakdown occurs, but, you can also regularly maintain your dishwasher so that you can avoid a frustrating breakdown all together. Regular maintenance of your dishwasher is something that we all should do and it is relatively easy to do. First, you should just make sure there is no food or water calcification buildup on the inside of your dishwasher. You should not need to clean the inside of your dishwasher if you use it regularly but if you have not used it recently you can run a cup of white vinegar through the cycle to help clean out and deodorize the inside. You should also check the sprayer arms for any clogs, which can build up during use over time. Cleaning out those clogs will help your dishwasher run more efficiently and will help prevent overworking and overspending on your energy bills. You should also check the gaskets on the door to make sure no cracking or tearing has occurred. These gaskets are made of rubber and help maintain the water tight seal. Deterioration of these gaskets, if left unfixed, can lead to leaking water out of your dishwasher. If you notice a problem with your gaskets, you can get a replacement at your local hardware store. Additionally, you need to check your filters near the bottom of your dishwasher. These filters need to be cleaned regularly to avoid clogs. Your dishwasher owner’s manual can explain how to clean the filters and remove any food or debris. If there are any holes in your filter it needs to be replaced immediately to avoid damaging the entire dishwasher. Lastly, any rust stains you see can be removed with a rust remover. These basic maintenance tips are relatively easy and not particular time consuming but are very worthwhile. By keeping your dishwasher running efficiently, you can save a lot of money on your energy bills and protect your dishwasher as well as extend it’s life. When investing a lot of money in home appliances, we need to remember to properly maintain them in order to get the most out of our investment. If you have also made the wise choice to protect your home with a home warranty you know they will be there when they need you but they also expect you to properly maintain your appliances. It will not take you much time to maintain your dishwasher but the reward will be great.]]>

With colder temperatures quickly approaching and threatening to make our homes more chilly we cannot help but think about how to keep our house warm. Any time we enter into a season of extreme temperature it means increased energy bills. We all dread the increase of our heating bills as temperatures drop outside. One of the main culprits of letting the cold you’re your home are your door and window frames. But those are certainly not the only sources of cold air entering your home. But don’t panic, there are some great solutions to prepare your home for the coming winter months that will help keep energy bills low and, most importantly, keep you and your family warm. Depending on the age of your home there can be a lot of areas where cold air can quietly and unassumingly creep into our home without us noticing. One major area, particularly in older homes, is through and around windows. A great option for keeping your home warmer to consider is to replace single pain windows with energy efficient windows. By replacing windows with more energy efficient ones you can noticably reduce your heating bill. You can also get a window insulating kit. These insulating kits keep warm air where you want it, in your home, and they make sure the cold air stays out. According to one manufacturer of window insulating kits, 3M, “A home with 10 windows in Green Bay, WI, could have an average annual savings of $270 by using window insulator kits.” That is a huge savings for any family, especially during the holiday season! You should also go around your home to find any gaps around window frames and use caulk or wood filler to fill any of the gaps. You can also add weather stripping around any windows to help keep the cold air out. One other option many don’t consider, because it is just so simple, is to add curtains to a window. If you add curtains, particularly thermal curtains, it’s a stylish way that you can keep your home warmer (and cooler during the summer!) and will help you resist the temptation to turn the heat up. The next place to check for being a cold air culprit is around your doors. One great solution for keeping the cold air out around your doors is a door sweep. Door sweeps are actually great for any season. During the winter they keep cold air out and during the summer they keep warm air out, making them a great investment! They also block out dusts and are an energy efficient way to help create utility bill savings. Just like windows, you can also weather add weather stripping around doors to help keep the cold air out. Lastly, there are some small areas many people don’t think of as a problem for letting cold air in. Things like cracks in the foundation, leaky pipes, gaps around electrical outlets and gaps around switch boxes. These tiny little gaps can actually cause big problems with how your home efficiently heats itself. If your home is not efficiently heating itself you will drive up your heating bills. They may be small things, but they actually have big impact! Go around and inspect these areas and make sure to fill in any gaps. Many of these solutions may seem simple or obvious but if you don’t check them before each big cool down you could wind up paying a lot more in your heating bills!]]>

The first place to start when maintaining your water heater is to turn off the water heater. Safety is always of utmost importance when beginning any home maintenance. Once you have turned off the water heater you can check the water heater pressure valve. A pressure valve is a safety device on both gas and electric water heaters that releasese pressure if the water heater tank becomes over pressurized. To check the water heater pressure valve you will want to put a bucket under the pressure valve, pull the valve’s tip lever, if it is working correctly, it will release a slight rush of air or water. If the valve does not release air or water you will want to replace the valve. The next step you can take in maintaining your water heater is to drain the water. You can attach a hose and drain the tank water to help your water heater so it does not have to work as hard. When draining the water, it may be a little dirty or dark from the collection of sediment and/or rust. After draining the water you will want to remove the hose and turn on the water to flush any extra sediment from the tank. Flush the tank until the water runs clear. Once you have ensured that you have properly flushed the tank there are just a few more steps to ensuring your water heater will be well maintained. You will next want to make sure the water drain at the base of the tank is off, close the pressure release valve, and turn on the water to allow the tank to fill. Once the tank has filled, you can turn the electricity back on. Should you need to replace your water heater there are many new options on the market to consider. Choosing the right water heater for you is a big decision and you will want to consider all options. Among the water heater options available to purchase are electric, natural gas, propane, oil, solar and heat pump. There are also energy efficient and tankless water heaters. You will need to consider the size needs of your home. You don’t want to start a shower on a cold winters day and run out of warm water right after you have gotten in. Luckily, if you properly maintain your water heater each season you will hopefully avoid needing to replace your water heater any time soon. These simple maintenance steps will give you peace of mind and save you money down the road.]]>

Winter is a beautiful season filled with a lot of fun holidays and activities. Winter also brings cold temperatures. Now is the time, before winter really hits hard, to have your furnace maintained and ready to go. By seasonally maintaining your furnace you can ensure it will be properly functioning when you need it most, when it’s cold. There are some simple steps everyone can take to make sure your furnace is ready for the winter months. Before beginning any furnace maintenance, you should always shut off the gas or electric to your furnace. The first place you will want to start is to clean or replace filters. During the winter months you may want to clean or replace filters each month to ensure proper function. If there are any clogs, heat will not be as well distributed and it will work harder, costing you more money. You can also use a vacuum with a hose attachment to vacuum the inside of the furnace to remove any debris. The next maintenance step you will want to take is to check the furnace blower belt and motor and replace any frayed, loose or damaged belts. Frayed, loose or damaged belts can spell big problems down the road. You will also want to add a few drops of oil in the blower motor. By doing this, you will keep your blower motor running more smooth and more efficient. If you have a furnace that has a sealed motor then no lubrication is needed. When preparing your furnace to function properly during the winter months you will also need to do a few things within your home. You will want to make sure that all vents in your home are unobstructed. If a vent is obstructed your furnace will need to work much harder if blocked. If your furnace is working harder it can cost you a lot more and can also be a fire hazard depending on what is blocking the vent. In the same vein, you will want to remove or more anything flammable near vents, furnace or water heaters. The winter months can be a beautiful time where family bonds in their home, you do not want to have to worry about potential fire hazards during this time. Once you have completed all these steps, you will want to replace the furnace cover and turn the power back on. The winter months are a fun and very cold time. Ensuring that your furnace will function properly when you need it most is a big priority. By doing some simple, seasonal maintenance, you can save yourself a lot of money and enjoy being warm and cozy in your home all winter.]]>

There are many reasons to make your home more green. Whether you are interested in going green to help the planet, whether you want to make our nation more energy independent, or whether your motivation is to save money, the bottom line is that going green is beneficial. Many people think about choosing energy efficient appliances for their kitchen or washer and dryers but one area of the home that is often overlooked is the bathroom. By going green in your bathroom, you can help the planet, and put a little extra money in your pocket. In this economy, we are all interested in saving money wherever we can. There are a lot of practical ways to “green” your bathroom. The first, and possibly most significant, way you can go green in the bathroom is to reduce your water consumption. One practical way to reduce water consumption that costs you no money is to simply take shorter showers. Showers are the more efficient choice in terms of water consumption over baths, but showers can still use a lot of water. By reducing your time in the shower by just a few minutes, you can save a lot of money in the long run. Another way to reduce water consumption is to put an aerator on your faucets. An aerator will reduce the amount of water you use in a given period of time and help save overall. Additionally, you can install a low flow shower head. By installing a low flow shower head you can cut your water consumption in half! This will result in huge savings each month! Another simple solution that many people overlook is the turn the faucet off when you are brushing your teeth. By letting the water run while your brush your teeth you are literally letting money go straight down the drain. A shocking statistic is that about 30% of home water use is actually in flushing the toilet. You can install a water saving toilet or a dual flush toilet and drastically reduce the amount of water you use each time you use the toilet. You will also want to ensure you fix any leaks. Those small drips may seem like no big deal, but overtime, they can add up to a lot of water and thus, a lot of money for you. These are all very practical and low cost options to help reduce water consumption and save you a lot of money. There are a few more practical ways to go green in the bathroom. You can use compact fluorescent or energy efficient light bulbs. By simply changing the light bulbs, a very low cost option, you can use significantly less energy to light your room. You can also install an energy efficient exfan. And lastly, you can install a solar powered water heater. More than 10% of homeowner’s energy bills comes from heating water. If nothing else, consider turning down the temperature on your water heater. You will likely not even notice the difference but it can mean big savings! In an economy where we are all just trying to put a little more money in our bank accounts, saving money by making simple changes is a great option. You also cannot put a price on doing something that is good for the environment and for the nation as a whole. These changes will cost very little and will take minimal time, but they will have a big impact on your wallet.]]>

The winter season can be particularly hard on our home plumbing. Extreme temperatures and holiday parties with many guests can take a toll on the plumbing. With big holiday meals, grease and food can get in the kitchen drain and disposal and wreak havoc. Ice cold temperatures can cause pipes to freeze. There are some simple steps we can take each year to make sure our plumbing is well maintained through the winter months. First, we all enjoy hosting guests and having parties during the winter holidays. While these gatherings can be a lot of fun they can also cause big problems for our plumbing. There are some simple steps you can take to take care fo your plumbing if you are planning on hosting guests this holiday season. You should avoid pouring any liquid fats down the drain because they will solidify and create clogs. These clogs in our pipes can cause big headaches and it’s simple to collect any liquid fats in a container and throw them away in the trash. Also, you should run cold water down the drain before and after disposer use to clean out waste. When you use your disposer you think whatever you have put in there is chopped up and gone but you need to run the water before and after to ensure it’s not simply sitting in the disposer. Also, you should not put hard to grind foods into the disposer. It can be tempting to just dump everything in there and turn on the disposer but you should be careful to avoid putting hard to grind foods in that will make your disposer work hard or potentially break. If you are hosting overnight guests during the winter season it can be additional strain on your plumbing that your plumbing is not used to. You and your guests should consider spreading out showers over the course of the day instead of everyone trying to take showers all at once. To prepare shower heads for your guests and ensure they are having an enjoyable shower that doesn’t involve clogged shower heads, you should soak you shower heads in vinegar overnight. After soaking shower heads scrub any remaining residue off. Not only will this improve the overall appearance of your shower but it will also improve water flow which will help keep your plumbing functioning properly. When temperatures drop pipes can freeze and that can mean big problems. Use a foam insulation or padding sleeves to protect pipes from freezing. You can save yourself big headaches by simply protecting your pipes each year. You should also run water through all valves periodically throughout the winter, even if typically unused. This will also help prevent any freezing that could occur. These tips are simple lifestyle changes and cost you little to nothing but can save you big this winter. By maintaining your plumbing with each changing season you will add life to your plumbing and ensure that you don’t have to suffer big costly repairs at inconvenient times.]]>

Everyone is looking for ways to save money. That’s not always easy; it can seem like there’s new items in the budget each month. One of the very best ways to save money is to repair your possessions when they break instead of throwing them out and buying replacements. Once you think about it, you’ll see that investing in home warranty coverage is the budget-savvy solution you’ve been looking for. If you’re like most homeowners, you probably spent a lot of money purchasing the appliances you rely on every day. Everything from small items such as stereos and microwave ovens to big ticket items like washers, dryers, refrigerators, and air conditioners play an essential role in our day to day life; if any of these items breaks down or stops working correctly then your normal routine will be seriously interrupted. It’s tempting to simply throw out the old appliance and replace it with a new one. This is the faster and more convenient route, isn’t it? Actually, if you’re in a hurry to buy a new appliance you might end up disappointed. Not taking the time to shop around for the best deals can really cost you; it’s possible to save 25%, 30%, or even 50% if you wait until the item you want goes on sale. People in a hurry to purchase something are also more likely to settle for a product that isn’t exactly what they want. For example, the vacuum cleaners available at your preferred department store may not have all the features you want; the same department store may sell only basic air conditioner models or compact microwave ovens. Because you’re in a hurry to purchase a replacement you’re willing to settle. Instead of spending more money than you need to on a product that isn’t what you wanted in the first place, consider purchasing home warranty coverage. A home warranty is a contract that you can buy that helps you cover the cost of repairs, especially the repairs done on major appliances. Just as your major appliances were some of your most expensive purchases, they can also be some of your most expensive repairs. Once you purchase home warranty coverage, you’ll discover just how great it is. It will ease the repair process considerably since you won’t have to bargain hunt for the lowest priced repair service in your area. You’ll just call up your warranty agency and they’ll do the rest. A repair agent will arrive and investigate the problem. Before you know it, your appliance will be working again. Home warranty coverage can do more than help you cover the cost of major appliance repair. The plumbing and electrical systems in your home will likely require maintenance or repair at some point over the years that you own your house. These systems are used extensively every single day; an interruption in their function will disrupt your home even more than non-functioning appliances will. All homeowners can benefit from purchasing home warranty coverage. This simple policy will help you avoid those annoying last-minute shopping trips to replace an important appliance that broke down. You won’t have to pay out of pocket to cover sudden expenses. Instead, your home warranty coverage will help you preserve the things you own. So choose to repair before you decide to replace.]]>

Do you own a home? Are you looking to own a home? If so, you may want to consider purchasing a home warranty protection plan. Home warranty plans cover the normal wear and tear of appliances and systems that are properly maintained. If one of your home appliances or systems breaks down, your warranty should cover the repair or replacement cost of the appliance or system. So, what are some things you should look for when you are shopping for home warranty coverage?

One thing to look for when shopping for a home warranty is the appliances and systems that are covered. There are probably certain appliances and systems you want covered under your home warranty protection plan. Speak to representatives of different home warranty companies. Tell them which appliances and systems you want covered and ask them for a plan that will best fit your needs. Some appliances and systems that are typically covered are water heaters, dishwashers, refrigerators, plumbing systems, heating systems, air conditioning systems, electrical systems, and even your doorbell.

Another thing to look for when shopping for a home warranty is the cost of the warranty. What are the premiums? Do you pay them monthly or yearly? Will the price rise after the first year? If an appliance or systems breaks down and needs to be repaired or replaced, will you be responsible for any of the cost? If so, how much will you pay? These are all questions that are good to ask when trying to figure out the cost of a home warranty protection plan. Some home warranty companies will give you a quote on-line. Or you can call a representative of the company and he or she can answer your questions. Get multiple quotes from different companies. This will help you better determine which company and plan will best fit into your financial plan.

When shopping for a home warranty plan, make sure that you ask about the terms and conditions of the plans you are looking at. You will want to know what is covered (or not covered), how far the coverage extends, what fees you will need to pay, and the cost to renew. Read everything carefully before you accept the plan. You want to make sure you know what you are paying for in your home warranty protection plan.

Last of all, when shopping for a home warranty, make sure that you know how your plan works. You want to make sure that the process is simple and uncomplicated. For example, it may look something like this: When an appliance or system breaks down, you call the home warranty company. They call a service provider. The service provided then calls you to set up an appointment. The service provider will come and fix your appliance or system. If the appliance or system is irreparable, the service provider will inform the home warranty company. You may pay a fee for the repair or replacement, which is determined by the terms of your home warranty protection plan.
Shopping for a home warranty does not have to be difficult. By following the tips outlined above, you can have the assurance that you will be able to choose the home warranty plan that best meets your needs.

If you are looking to buy a home or already own a home, you may want to consider purchasing a home warranty plan. These plans are designed to cover the cost of repairing or replacing the many systems and appliances that make up your home. In the event that one of your appliances breaks or one of your home systems shuts down, having a home warranty will ensure that you do not have to pay the full cost of repair or replacement.

There are many appliances and systems that a home warranty plan covers and it varies from plan to plan. Some common appliances that a home warranty covers are refrigerators, washers and dryers, and ovens. Some common systems that are covered by a home warranty are the plumbing, electrical, and central air conditioning systems. The plan you choose can be customized to fit your needs. In order to choose the plan that will best protect you, you should be aware of which appliances and systems have the highest rates of breaking down or needing to be replaced. The top five home warranty claims are furnaces, air conditioning systems, heating systems, dishwashers, and refrigerators. You will want to make sure that the home warranty plan you choose covers these five appliances and systems.

The heating and cooling systems of your home are vital to your comfort. A heating system warms your home during the winter months. There are many different kinds of heating systems, including a furnace. If your heating system stops working in the middle of the winter, you will need to get it fixed or replaced quickly, especially if you live in an area with harsh winter weather. It can be miserable to be without heat on a cold winter night. Your air conditioning system is also important. If you live in a place that gets unbearably hot at some point in the year, you want to make sure that your air conditioning is protected. Going without the cooling benefits of an air conditioning on a hot summer day will quickly remind you how important it is to have your air conditioning system in working order. Make certain that your heating and air conditioning systems, including your furnace, are covered in your home warranty plan.

Dishwashers and refrigerators are essential appliances in your home. Your dishwasher provides you the convenience of not having to wash your dishes by hand, freeing up time in your day for other things. Typically, dishwashers also use less water than if you washed your dishes by hand, and that saves you money on your water bill. It is also important that your refrigerator be in good working order. Your refrigerator stores your food and keeps it fresh. If it breaks down, you want to be sure that you have a plan to get it replaced or repaired quickly so that your food doesn’t go bad.

Having a home warranty plan may save you money in the long-run. Chances are that at some point your furnace, heating/cooling system, dishwasher or refrigerator will break down and need to be repaired or replaced entirely. This can quickly become a drain on your finances. Having a plan that covers at least these five systems and appliances can bring you peace of mind, knowing that you are covered in case of an emergency.