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Tag: Home Warranty

Just as your house is different from your neighbor’s, your home warranties should be different as well. There are many variances to factor in to your home warranty. Your house will have different needs than another and your warranty should reflect that. Some of the factors to consider when choosing home warranties are the age of the house, current condition, your financial situation and budget, and your ability to fix things around the house. If you are a contractor or have a friend or family member who can fix the major problems that occur in a house you may want to only have minimal coverage for your home. Using someone you know can lower your necessities in a warranty. With that being said you may still want to be sure your major appliances and systems are covered. Cost wise it is a wise idea to cover the major appliances and systems in your home to avoid a high bill during an emergency situation. Home warranties can help you avoid running up a credit card or having to get a high interest loan. If you have recently bought an older home, there will undoubtedly be problems with the house. The previous owner may have installed newer appliances but with age comes problems with the structure of the house and to the systems within the house. Systems such as the heating and cooling can be compromised with age and with improper care. The previous owner may or may not have changed the filters or had the systems serviced. Without the proper care, these systems may begin to deteriorate. When this happens, it can shut down suddenly or you may notice daily changes in the efficiency of the system. Even if you have taken excellent care of your system, it can still wear out. This is when home warranties can be useful. Some families prefer to set money aside for an emergency and while that is a wise practice, there may be more than one emergency in any given month. When that happens, it can be helpful to have a warranty on at least one of the items that has broken. With a warranty on the major items in your house, you can know that the other problems are manageable. Home warranties are not all the same. You should always read the fine print, just as with any document to ensure you understand what is covered. Some items may be covered under certain circumstances and that is something you should be clear about. For example, home warranties may cover the plumbing system in a home only if the pipes are found to be faulty. It may not cover the plumbing system if there is a user accident such as an overflow or stoppage. In order to get the most out of your warranty, it is a wise idea to cover the systems and appliances that you know will need servicing in the near future. If the oven is brand new, you may not want to have it covered, unless it increases the premium very little. Sometimes warranties include all appliances in the kitchen and do not give you options to exclude. Just be sure you understand how your warranty works and what it covers.]]>

As a homeowner, you understand the importance of maintaining your property and keeping your belongings inside safe. Home owners insurance can help keep the belongings safe within your home and home warranties can keep the systems and major appliances in your house in working condition. When you purchase your home, you will probably be given the option to purchase a home warranty before you even move in. Whether you are buying a townhouse, condo, or single family home, home warranties are an important purchase to make in addition to the dwelling. Just as with a single family house, a townhouse or condo can have systems fail and be costly to repair. The warranty will cover the existing items in the residence and the systems such as the heating, cooling, and plumbing. Even with new buildings, there can still be issues with things like faulty wiring, pipes, and manufacture problems. Home warranties protect the home buyer, regardless of the type of dwelling. After a move, your budget is usually maxed out with the movers, utility deposits, and anything new you may have to buy in order to make the house suitable for you. You do not want to have to worry about an appliance that stops working or a cooling system that dies in the middle of a hot spell. These can be major budget busters and cause you unnecessary monetary stresses. When there is a warranty on these items, you may pay a small monthly fee to cover the items. It is an insurance of sorts that protects the insides of the home and the appliances within the home. It seems that things almost always go wrong when you are not ready or when you need them to work more than ever. After you’ve moved into your new condo, you may decide to invite your family over for the holidays. This is not the time for an appliance to stop working yet inevitably it can happen. The warranty service will have a list of qualified repair persons that can help you even on the holidays. All you will have to do is call the repair person and they can be out to your home to help you get the holidays back on track. Your family is counting on you and you need to figure out how to fix the problem. Even if you don’t have the money to fix the appliance up front, you won’t have to worry about that as the home warranties may require you to only pay the service fee. These fees can be fairly low and only occur when there is a service call. The price of this service fee is nominal in relationship to the overall cost of replacing an entire appliance. Even the price of a service call can be much higher than that of the service fee so in the long run the warranty can be a wise option for anyone that buys a property whether it is a single family home, townhouse, or even a condominium. These types of properties can all have appliances and systems that fail so having the backup peace of mind of home warranties is a great investment.]]>

Whether you are selling or buying a home, you may want to consider purchasing a home protection plan. You will receive several helpful benefits by either utilizing the protection plan for yourself, or giving it to the sellers of your home. There are many options as far as providers, however, so you will want to ensure you select the right one to get the protection needed. A good reason to consider purchasing a home warranty when you are selling is providing the buyers with the confidence they need to buy your home. They will be more willing to purchase your home when they know you are protecting the appliances within the home. You can also avoid any legal litigation from occurring, because they may come to you for payment once an appliance does break soon after they move in. You can expect to sell your home faster, and stay out of court, when you provide a home protection plan for your sellers. When you are purchasing a home, it is also a good idea to have a warranty. You may never know how the appliances operate within your home, so it may be a good protection to provide yourself. When you first start shopping for the best protection plan for your home, there are some considerations to think of. You will first want to find several companies to compare online. You can often find several providers that can protect your home. Once you have taken a look at the different companies, you can then compare the coverage each home protection plan provides. Several components inside your home should be covered, such as the air conditioner, furnace, water heater, doorbell, electrical system, garbage disposal, plumbing stoppages, and the dishwasher. The protection may vary quite widely, as some may give you more or less. If you know that some of your appliances are getting older, then you will want to make sure you see them in the list provided. Another important consideration when looking for a new warranty for your home is the exclusions. Some companies will have times when they won’t cover the problems that occur for various reasons. You can often read through the policies they provide to ensure the coverage will be there when you need it the most. You can also compare the prices of each home protection plan with the protection they provide, as it may be worth it to spend a little more for more coverage. When you compare several different providers, there still may be some questions left. You can often call a representative to discuss the protection they provide and how much it will cost. They should also tell you how much each deductible will be once you do make a claim. The time length of the plan will also need to be determined, as some will only be offered a year, while others can last several. You should find all of your questions answered after you call and discuss the home protection plan of each company. You can then make an informed decision on the best company to provide you with the coverage you need for your appliances.]]>

When the summer hits, you may cringe when you see your electric bill in the mail. Not only does it seem to get higher every year, it seems unusually high this year and you begin to wonder if the problem is in the cooling system itself. You get your answer when on the hottest day of the summer, it dies. You and your family end up sleeping a hotel while you wait on the repair man to show up and help you cool off your house. Don’t you wish you had chosen to buy a home warranty? The warranty for a cooling system is usually broad and will give you the ability to fix whatever problem comes up. This is not always the case when you buy a home warranty so be sure you read the one you have carefully. If you know your system is old or seems to be running too hard, you may want to double check your coverage before the system dies. You want your coverage to be comprehensive for the problem you need fixed. The added bonus you receive when you buy a home warranty is the network of repair people that are now at your disposal. The warranty will have a network they prefer and many of these service people are professional and can be available on a holiday. You will not pay more for their holiday time because the service call is the same price regardless of the time of day or the time of year. This is not usually the case when you call a non-warranty company to service your cooling system. They will charge more for after-hour calls and even for holiday calls. Since you don’t know when your system will go out, you will have to be prepared for any cost without a home warranty. When you buy a home warranty, you are not only protecting yourself from surprise repairs and exorbitant bills that wreak havoc on your budget, you are protecting your house. If the cooling system breaks in your house and you are unable to pay for a new one, your house will get abnormally hot and humid. Your cooling system provides an equalizer of sorts between the outside heat and humidity and the coolness in your house. It will keep the floors from warping and the paint from peeling. When your house is properly cooled, it will also protect the appliances, electrical outlets, and your own belongings inside the house. If you house gets too hot, things can start to melt, crack, and swell. When this happens, it is difficult to fix when the cooling system is finally fixed. A cooling system that is left too long without being used either for cooling purposes or heating purposes can begin to have other service problems that may have nothing to do with the original problem. Vents can become clogged and dirt can build up within the ducts. When you’ve had the cooling and heating system off for any period of time, turning it on can produce a lot of dust, bugs, and sometimes even critters that found their way into the house and didn’t need to leave when the system was turned on. Choosing to buy a home warranty can help you make necessary repairs in a timely manner.]]>

As every home owner knows, there are a lot of things that can go wrong in a house.  Sometimes it can seem like there is so much work to be done that it’s impossible to even get ahead and many home owners despair of keeping up with an ever-growing list of maintenance tasks.  If you are feeling overwhelmed by the many items on your repair list, why not take a closer look at your home warranty service plan?  You might surprised to learn just how many of even the most common household repairs can be covered by a home warranty service plan in Arizona. Buying home warranty service plan in Arizona is one of the best consumer decisions you can make.  Many finance advisors who specialize in household economics will recommend that a family purchase a home service warranty upon buying a house.  This will ensure that they are never without recourse when it comes time to make important repairs.  Every home can develop unexpected problems as soon as new owners take up residence.  Even a house that has been well maintained over the years can develop spontaneous problems.  The reason that household finance experts recommend the purchase of a home warranty service plan in Arizona  early on in your occupation of your house is to avoid having to pay a more costly premium after a large problem has occurred.  In other words, the sooner you lock down a low premium on  your home warranty service plan, the more you’re likely to save over the life of the policy you’ve chosen. Household finance experts tell their clients about the many different home protection plans that are available on the market today.  Many of these protection plans have been made with new homeowners in mind; it’s great to know that there are service plans out there that address your unique needs, though it can sometimes be hard to tell which ones are actually worth the money.  That’s why advice from an expert can be helpful.  The agency you purchase your home warranty service plan from will tell you about all the ways your plan can help you.  They’ll be able to show you real examples of the ways in which they’ve helped countless homeowners just like you. There are many ways that you can save money over the years that you own your home.  Making good spending and saving choices can turn your house from a money pit into a serious financial asset.  In fact, one of the biggest secrets of successful homeowners is the careful choices they make with regards to home service.  Because the cost of service and repairs can add up fast, money smart homeowners make the choice early on to invest in a home warranty service plan in Arizona.  There’s no doubt that this is one investment that is sure to pay off. When you look at your home from an economic perspective, you may start to wonder if there is any way to turn it into the valuable financial asset you know it can be.  One of the best ways to do exactly this is to keep your home in good repair without going into debt at the same time.  Buying a solid home warranty service plan in Arizona is one of the best financial decisions you can make and it’s sure to have big returns.]]>

When you are selling your home, there might be many things that you will do to get ready for the sale. Perhaps you will paint every room in the house, or rent furniture as a set up to make the rooms look pretty. You might give the home a real good cleaning and even do a little more yard work than usual. There might be some home repairs that you will do so that the house is in good shape when people come through to look at it. Something else that you may want to consider is purchasing a home warranty in Scottsdale. There are some benefits that you might experience when you are selling your home with a home warranty. When you have a home warranty in Scottsdale and you are trying to sell your home, it might attract more prospective buyers. When they see that there is a warranty on the home, they will be able to rest assured that they will not be stuck with repair costs on the major appliances in the home. This is appealing to home buyers because nobody wants to purchase a home just to have to dish out more money when the appliances start to fail. Knowing that they are secure might be really enticing for home buyers. Another benefit of having a home warranty in Scottsdale if you are selling your home is that you will not have to deal with potential legal issues in the future. Perhaps if you sell your home and then the appliances start going out, the home buyer could come after you with a lawsuit, claiming that you sold them faulty appliances on purpose. The cost of legal fees in such a situation could heavily outweigh the low cost of purchasing a home warranty, which is what you might want to consider. It could be better to just assure the home buyer with a warranty, that their appliances are in good shape. Typically when someone purchases a home warranty in Scottsdale as they are trying to sell their home, they do not have to pay for it until they close on the house. By paying for the warranty at closing, they will not have to pay cash out of pocket, but it can be added to closing costs. This could be a huge benefit to anyone selling a home, but especially to someone who is moving and selling their home due to a poor financial situation. If you are selling a home, you may want to seriously consider purchasing a home warranty in Scottsdale. There are many benefits that you might experience as you are trying to sell your home if it has a home warranty. Attracting more potential buyers, avoiding legal issues, and not having to pay until closing are just a few of the many benefits of buying a home warranty for the home you are selling. To find out more information about home warranties, you may want to talk to a real estate agent or to a friend that has recently purchased or sold a home. The more you know, the easier the decision might be for whether or not you will purchase a home warranty while you are selling your home.]]>

Whether you are buying or selling a home, you might want to consider looking more into Phoenix home warranties. You may not know much about home warranties. If you are a home seller, you might not understand the benefits that you could experience if you had a home warranty. As a home buyer, it might not be clear to you why you should look for a home with a home warranty. As you learn more about Phoenix home warranties, it might become more apparent why they are so important. Something to know about Phoenix home warranties is that they cover most major appliances in the home. Some of the appliances that are typically covered are microwaves, stoves, dishwashers, and garbage disposals. The home warranty might also include heating systems, water heating systems, plumbing, and electrical work. Telephones and ceiling fans are also covered in many home warranties if they are built in to the home. There are some appliances that may not be covered in a typical home warranty, but something that you could talk to your realtor about to see if you can have them included. Sometimes you will need to pay a little more for the warranty and sometimes they might just throw some extra items in the warranty. These extra items might include air conditioning systems, washing and drying machines, swimming pools, and other added features that are similar to those. If you are confident as a home seller that all of your appliances and systems are in good shape, it could be a good move to purchase a home warranty. If you are a home buyer and someone has a warranty on all of the above mentioned items, it could be a good sign that they are confident in the function of their systems. If you are selling a home, something that you might want to know is that Phoenix home warranties can be added to the closing costs of the home. You will not always have to pay an out of pocket cost if you want to purchase a home warranty. If you choose not to buy a home warranty and you have a buyer with a really good offer that wants a warranty, you might want to just go ahead and do it so that you are not stuck trying to sell your home for more and more years. If you are the home buyer, you may want to be sure that the house you purchase has a home warranty. It would be no good to move into a new home just to have to spend more money fixing appliances that go bad after just a few months. If you really like a certain home, but there is no warranty, you may want to ask the home seller if they would purchase one. Chances are that they will do it if they are really ready to sell their home and if they like your offer. When they do, that is a good sign to you that the appliances are in good shape, but just in case, you have a cushion to back you up. After you know more information about home warranties, it can help you in buying or selling a home. To learn more, you may want to talk to your realtor, or even do a little research online about Phoenix home warranties.]]>

When looking for a Phoenix home warranty you will probably be a little amazed at the variety of different kinds of warranties, maintenance plans, and labor guarantees which are available for purchase when you buy a new home. A lot of these products can apply to your situation regardless of when the home was built and can last anywhere from a year or longer. The key to finding the best warranty or other plan for your needs is research. If you want to determine the best plan for you ask for a sample copy and read over it to see the kinds of things that are covered and any conditions to the coverage. You can find a Phoenix home warranty that is sold by the builder, by the realtor, by an insurance company, and even by a third party warranty company. Each of these different kinds of warranties will cover different things; for instance, a builder’s home warranty will usually only cover construction aspects of your home and not appliances. The builder’s home warranty will usually be called a new house warranty and usually be included in the initial cost of the home for a term of one year. Most home warranties will cover heating and cooling systems, some major appliances, and plumbing and electrical systems. The appliances which are usually covered the most by a Phoenix home warranty include refrigerators, built-in dishwashers, and stoves; though, other appliances such as clothes washers and dryers, built-in microwaves, and ceiling fans can sometimes be covered by some warranty plans. The key to finding the right kind of Phoenix home warranty is research. The more research that you can do on the kinds of warranties available and the ones that are popular and legal in your area then the better your choice will end up being. When you are offered a warranty don’t be afraid to ask for a sample copy to read through and don’t be afraid to take your time reading the contract. This is because you want to know all the terms of any contract that you are signing, warranty or not, before you commit to it. If you don’t know who to contact to fix something covered on the warranty, for example, then you will probably end up making several extra phone calls. You may also end up having to pay for a repair that you thought was covered by the warranty. Don’t skip over the fine print or hard words either and if you need clarification don’t be afraid to ask questions until you understand. A lot of times companies will put legal jargon in contracts to meet disclosure laws but not necessarily tell you what those terms mean so that you don’t realize that there are conditions to the warranty. Not everyone is dishonest, but some are and it never hurts to read and ask questions on a contract. Some of the things that will void the warranty are excessive wear and tear, improper installation, code violations and improper maintenance. Sometimes a Phoenix home warranty will have other restrictions in the fine print such as different  terms or conditions for different items or repairs. As with any contract you need to keep up on your end to expect that the other person will keep up on theirs. That means performing the proper maintenance and taking the proper care of your home and appliances.]]>

When looking for a home warranty in AZ the hardest part will probably be in choosing which one to go with. You can usually find many different kinds offered by many different places and the options can seem overwhelming. The key to finding the right one for you really rests on getting sample copies of different ones to study. No one wants to pay more money than they have to, whether on a warranty plan or on the repairs themselves. Most home warranty in AZ plans will cover the basics, namely the basic building of the home such as floors, walls, plumbing and electrical systems, heating and cooling systems and some major appliances. Usually the appliances covered are just built-in dishwashers, refrigerators, and stoves; however, you can sometimes find plans that cover clothes washers and dryers, built-in microwaves, ceiling fans, and trash compactors to name a few. When getting sample warranty copies you will want to compare coverage as well as rates and the reputation of the warranty company. Some home warranty in AZ plans will not cover repairs needed because of improper installation, excessive wear and tear, and improper maintenance. Some companies and plans will not cover the cost of replacement at all, just the cost of repair. This means that you will need to make sure that you have treated your appliances and such well and that you know what the warranty company’s definition of those things is. Part of that is looking at the reputation of the warranty company. Home warranty in AZ companies will usually have customer testimonials listed on their website; but you can also search for blogs and other websites that will have reviews on them, or even ask people that you know if they have had dealings with the company. Usually your realtor will be able to steer you in the right direction when looking for a company from whom to purchase a warranty plan. In fact, a lot of realtors will have good working relationships with at least one warranty company so that they will be able to better help their clients. When looking at reviews for any company you will want to read both the good and the bad to get the most accurate picture possible of the company’s policies and practices. Once you have the coverage and reputation figured out it is time to start looking at home warranty in AZ rates so that you can know how much this will cost you. Sometimes the initial warranty rate will be included in the closing costs of the home and sometimes it will not; however, for plans that have the option to renew on a yearly basis you will want to know how much you will have to pay per year of coverage. Sometimes after a year you will be able to have enough saved up to cover repair costs yourself and sometimes you will decide that the coverage is not worth the additional cost every year. Most warranty plans will cost a couple of hundred dollars every year and you may not find much variation in cost of coverage for similar plans from different companies.]]>

When you are looking for a home warranty in Phoenix you will probably be wondering what kinds of things that they usually cover and under what conditions. For the most part a home warranty will cover things like plumbing, electrical, heating and air conditioning systems and some major appliances. This to help diffuse the potential extra costs that repair work  may require in the first year or so, usually those which are caused by normal wear and tear and manufacturer defects. Most home warranties will start the day you sign the paperwork and last for one year with the option, usually, to renew the warranty for a yearly fee. Plumbing, electrical, heating, and air conditioning systems are subject to almost constant use in a home and any defects in the systems will usually break pretty fast under normal wear and tear. When they break there can be some serious repair costs involved, particularly if walls or floors need to be taken apart to access the break. No homeowner wants to have to pay for all of the repairs themselves, this is where having a home warranty in Phoenix really comes in handy. While your home and many of its features are under a warranty of some sort then you can spend your money saving up for emergencies instead of going into debt to fix them. A warranty will usually give you the room that you will need to save up for emergencies, pay down your home loan, or other things instead of having to purchase a new appliance because of a failure. Major appliances which are usually covered in a home warranty in Phoenix are refrigerator, stove, and built-in dishwasher, some warranties also cover built-in microwaves, ceiling fans, and clothes washers and dryers. Since the coverage of home warranties can vary based on company, state, area, and other reasons it is always best to get a sample copy to review before you purchase a warranty program. The sample copy will have the home warranty in Phoenix terms and conditions as well as instructions for filing a claim and any other necessary information. Since a sample copy may have differences from the policy that you end up signing, you will want to be sure to read both thoroughly before making your final decision. Once you have signed your warranty paperwork and moved into your new home, you will want to be sure to store your copy of the warranty in a safe and easily accessible place so that you can easily reference it in case of a break down. Many times a home warranty in Phoenix will have you call the insurance or other warranty company to file a claim. The company will then call a service provider who will call you to make an appointment. Depending on the nature of the repair you may only be required to pay a service fee; sometimes however, a repair isn’t feasible and you will need a replacement which may or may not be covered by your specific plan or which may have a different deductible. Since sometimes there can be excessive wear and tear, improper maintenance or installation, some things will not quality for replacement or repair under the terms of your warranty. This makes it important for you to follow care instructions for your appliances, flooring, counter tops, and more.]]>