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By Platinum Team July 25, 2013

How Often Do I Need To Use Pest Control?

As a homeowner, you have a lot of home maintenance issues that need to be dealt with that you probably never had to worry about as a renter. One of those things is pest control and knowing whether you need to do it, how often, and how much. Many homeowners understand that it needs to be done, but are sometimes unsure of how often to spray for pests and how much they should use. A good rule of thumb is that if you don’t know, don’t do it. There are pest control professionals that can answer those questions for you so that you don’t end up with a dangerous situation on your hands. The following are a few guidelines that might help you to determine how often to spray for pests. The first guideline of pest control home maintenance is to understand what pests you are dealing with. For example, if you have an ant infestation, one application should do the trick. If you notice more ants a few years later, you can reapply that pest control at that time. However, if you are dealing with a more aggressive pest, such as termites, you might have to get just as aggressive and apply various and frequent treatments until they are completely gone. One important thing to remember is that if the pest is destroying your home or your family, the best thing to do is get it taken care of immediately, no matter what it is. The next guideline of pest control home maintenance is to really understand your environment. Typically, warmer climates call for more frequent pest control services. The area you live in could determine the amount of treatments you get as well. For example, if you are surrounded by the woods, or are near water, you may have more pests than if you live in the middle of the city. That would probably be a good indication that you will need more frequent pest control treatments. Another home maintenance guideline that will help you determine how often to have your home sprayed for pests is how much the little pests really bother you. Of course, if there is a real infestation, very frequent treatments should be applied. On the other hand, bimonthly or quarterly pest control treatments might be sufficient if you only see an occasional spider or ant. If that occasional bug really bothers you, you could increase treatments to monthly instead. As you can see, proper home maintenance is manageable with the right knowledge about pest control applications. Knowing how often to apply treatments and how many to have done could be tricky to decide, but by knowing what pests you’re dealing with, understanding your environment, and honestly gauging what you can handle, you will have a better idea of how often you should spray for pests. If you have considered each of the guidelines and are still unsure, you may want to speak to someone who sprays for pests professionally and get their opinion on your situation. One thing to remember, however, is that when the pests are gone, you will be glad you got it all figured out.]]>