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By Platinum Team March 19, 2013

Preparing Your A/C Unit For The Summer

The only thing nicer than having an air conditioner in the summer is having an air conditioner that works. It’s best to make sure that your air conditioner is working before the weather starts to warm up. Prevention is always more efficient and usually cheaper than a solution. So make sure that your air conditioner is in good working order before you need it.

Perform a Home Energy Analysis

A home energy analysis will let you know where most of your energy is going and ways that you can cut back on your energy use. A home energy analysis can also give you an idea of how much it will cost to implement energy saving strategies and how much of a return investment you can see. By getting an energy analysis, you can find out how you’re losing cool air and money during the warmer months of the year. If you like, you can also have a qualified technician personally visit you at your home to perform the energy analysis with special equipment. The technician might also give you some energy saving products that you can put to use, like compact florescent light bulbs.

HVAC Maintenance

If you have a home warranty, it’s recommended that you have a HVAC unit maintenance check performed every six months by your warranty provider in order to catch any minor problems that you might be having before they become major problems, major problems that cost you major amounts of money. Maintenance checks can keep your A/C from going on the fritz and save you from possibly spending days without a working air conditioner.

Enroll in Demand Conversation

Check with your utility department to see if they offer a demand conservation program where they switch on your central air conditioning system, electric water heater, heat pump and pool pump to efficiently and safely cycle your air conditioner’s air compressors for short bursts of time whenever an abundance of energy is being used during the warmer months of the year. Demand conservation programs can actually earn you some money on your summer utility bill.

Look for Energy Efficiency Tips

You can also prepare your A/C unit for the summer by looking up tips online that will help you use your home’s energy more efficiently. If you’re trying to go green or reduce your carbon footprint, home energy is a great place to start. You’ll find that most of the tips probably won’t cost you much at all and that you can start implementing them immediately.
Do everything you can to prepare you air conditioner for the summer season. Not only will everyone in your house appreciate it, your wallet will too.