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By Platinum Team September 10, 2013

Tips to Prepare Your Home for Fall

Your home is one of the biggest investments you will ever make. Each year, as seasons change and we put away our swimsuits and pull out our sweaters, we need to do some basic maintenance to prepare our homes for cooler temperatures. By following these basic tips you can rest assured your home is in tip top shape for the fall. The first thing you will want to do to prepare your home for fall is do a quick survey of the exterior of your home and yard. Check for any obvious damage that may need to be repaired before it is too cold to do so. If you home has gutters or downspouts you will want to clear any debris such as leaves or dirt and also do a quick check of your roof to make sure everything looks good. Next, you will want to move inside to prepare for fall. Now is a great time to replace filters in your air conditioning unit as it will keep your home more energy efficient. Now is also the time to drain your water heater and check to make sure there is no rust or sediment buildup. Flush out the water heater so that it will work properly all winter long. After checking upon your water heater you will want to check your home for any leaks or cracks. During the winter you want to keep warm air in and cold air out but there are cracks your home may not be doing this. Finding and promptly fixing any leaks by applying caulk or weather stripping will help your home to be more energy efficient. The cost of heating a home during fall and winter can be expensive so it is very important to ensure your home is as energy efficient as possible. It is a time to do all the little maintenance things that so often go forgotten as well. Before entering the holiday season when home fires go up exponentially, it is a great idea to test and change batteries in your smoke detector. Speaking of fire now is the time to prepare your fireplace for the cooler months. You may consider hiring a professional chimney sweep or, at a minimum, make sure any old ashes have been discarded and start stocking up on firewood. These basic home maintenance tips can help you prepare your home for fall, improve energy efficiency and make your home a more enjoyable space to live. It is important to stay ahead of the game, with home maintenance so that you can avoid costly repairs later on. One other way to prepare your home and protect yourself and your wallet is to have a home warranty. A home warranty will give you peace of mind that you are protected at all times.]]>