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FAQ: What Are Some Examples of Covered and Non-covered Items?

What is covered in a Platinum home warranty? And, what isn’t covered? We’re asked these questions often!

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Everything you need to know about buying a home warranty

This guide will help you know what to expect from any home warranty, determine if a home warranty is right for you and get the right coverage.

Make Owning A Home Easy

Owning a home is something many people dream of and once the big day arrives when they sign the final papers it’s a real cause for celebration.

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The Cost Of HVAC Repairs

Your home is made comfortable and functional with the help of several important systems that work hard behind the scenes.

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Your Best Source For Home Warranty Information

There are a lot of places that you can go when you need help around the house.  If you need some basic repair work done, then you can call a handyman service.

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Home Warranties Make Good Money Sense

When it comes time to move into the first home you own, there are a lot of important purchases that you’ll need to make.

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