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By Platinum Team June 4, 2018

Conversations at Home

This post is part of our Conversations at Home series, which aims to help spark positive and fruitful discussions in your home. It’s born out of the spirit of one of our company core values here at Platinum — Gratitude: “We focus our minds on the good stuff.” We hope you find these conversations starters to be helpful!

It’s summer. We live in Phoenix. Have you ever noticed how many conversations this time of year seem to get caught on that not-so-uplifting discussion about how dang hot it is? Oops! Yes, we recognize the irony in the fact that we just fell into that trap too… 😉

Instead of getting stuck there, let’s spark some more fruitful discussions too. Pick one or more question(s) to create positive conversation this week. As we mentioned last go ‘round, it’s your call when and where to bust these out — be that at the dinner table, before bedtime or on a walk in the neighborhood!

  • What’s one of your favorite things about living in AZ?
  • If you were to start your own non-profit, what would it be?
  • What superpower do you wish you had, and why?
  • What is one of the best pieces of advice or insight you’ve ever received?
  • What’s something that’s inspired you recently?
  • WILDCARD: Make up your own!