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By Platinum Team January 1, 2024

Conversations at Home: New Year Edition

This post is part of our Conversations at Home series, which aims to help spark positive and fruitful discussions in your home. It’s born out of the spirit of one of our company core values here at Platinum — Gratitude: “We focus our minds on the good stuff.” We hope you find these conversation starters to be helpful!

How do you approach the transition into a New Year? Are you gungho about goals… or more skeptical about resolutions?

We’re in the “a bit of both” camp! Sure, it can be a tad cliche to get all reflective, but it also seems a shame to not embrace the chance to process where we’ve been and what’s to come. In our humble opinion, it’s helpful to have a marker that breaks up the flow of the year. It keeps us from living life on autopilot or getting into a rut!

So, we’d love to offer a few questions at this time of transition. If you’re up for it, feel free to choose one (or multiple!), and see what bubbles up…

  • What word or theme would you like to guide your year?
  • What would you like to see change?
  • What are you excited about?
  • Who do you want to connect with?
  • What do you want to try?
  • WILDCARD: Make up your own!

It’s up to you how you choose to use them. Take ‘em on as journal prompts. Pepper them into your conversations with friends, family or coworkers! Save ‘em for a rainy day. You get to decide what will help you in this moment of your life 🙂


Got home repair needs that are weighing you down? We get it! The realities of homeownership are ever present, but you don’t have to take it all on yourself. Reach out to us at 602.733.5000.