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By Platinum Team May 7, 2017

Gratitude: The morning light

This post is part of our Gratitude series, which reminds us to celebrate the ordinary things as we navigate life at home.

Today we’re grateful for… the morning light.

Yes, we’re right there with you — getting ready in the morning isn’t always the most peaceful series of events. An abrupt alarm clock summons us from our dreams and our minds start racing with all that needs to be done.

Yet, the morning light offers a gentle nudge to notice and breathe. Before we race into the day, we can pause to gaze upon those soft beams of light as they gently peer through the window. Splendid in their own right, the illuminate the rhythmic beauty of each day.
They remind us that each day gives us a chance to begin anew… a clean slate, an opportunity to create. So thank you, morning light, for reminding us to pause and truly notice the new day unfolding.