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This post is part of our Gratitude series, which reminds us to celebrate the ordinary things as we navigate life at home.
Today, we’re grateful for… toilets that flush. Seriously. We totally take for granted the ease of disposing of waste. The fact that most days that basic home system does its thing glitch-free is worth pausing to notice, celebrate and say thanks for. It’s all too easy to get wrapped up in the moments when things fail to operate smoothly. But today, in this moment, let’s just take up a posture of gratitude and say thanks for all those common, functioning home systems that we tend to overlook… like toilets that flush 🙂 ]]>How do you approach the transition into a New Year? Are you gungho about goals… or more skeptical about resolutions?
When Thanksgiving rolls around, what do you crave? Turkey and stuffing? A massive pile of mashed potatoes and gravy? Perfectly spiced pumpkin pie?
This post is part of our Conversations at Home series, which aims to help spark positive and fruitful discussions in your home.
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