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By Platinum Team February 19, 2013

A Home Warranty Means Peace Of Mind

Many risk management companies say that a home warranty in Glendale provides peace of mind.  It does not take a long time for a homeowner to find out that they are right.  A normal household has roughly a dozen appliances.  Most of these are essential to comfortable daily living.  They include the heating and cooling system, the water heater, the garage door opener, the washer and dryer, and the oven.  These all have two things in common.  First, if any one of them goes out it could lead to a serious crimp in your lifestyle to say the least.  You could end up frying or freezing in your home, unable to clean your clothes, or unable to get your car out of the garage past the broken garage door opener.  The second thing they all have in common is they tend to have expensive repairs, usually in the hundreds of dollars.

Some feel that they do not need a home warranty in Glendale if they just set aside a special savings fund for home repairs.  The question is how much to put into the fund.  Do you put in an average?  If you open the fund with a year’s worth of estimated expenses and keeping the fund up to date, then you have a good chance of being all right.  However, if your circumstances do not follow the average and you suddenly have several things go out at once (as Murphy always guarantees that it does), then you may be in a pickle.  You may find yourself having to take some money from unwanted parts of your budget, or even making do without the air conditioner or garage door opener for a while.  And honestly, how many people are able to maintain the discipline needed to maintain a repair fund, especially during this down economy?

This is exactly what the home warranty in Glendale is designed for.  The policy comes into effect as soon as you make the first payment.  This could be an entire year’s worth of policy charges, or several payments over the first few months.  In either case, a house worth hundreds of thousands of dollars can get a home warranty in Glendale for hundreds of dollars.  This is not far off from the average costs of keeping a home and its major appliances repaired and working.  This is where the home warranty truly benefits the homeowner.  No matter how much your appliances break down, you can be covered.  This gives you a bit of immunity against Murphy’s most vexing attacks.

The overall idea is that maintaining a home is a game of risks.  Most homes can be maintained in good working order and good appearance with a reasonable savings account.  However, the chances that several expenses can come at once are the risk of the game.  Particularly when money is tight, some families rely on prayer that something does not fall apart and break the bank.  This situation causes a constant anxiety that can reduce health, interfere with sleep, and interfere with the quality of life.  A home warranty in Glendale provides quite a bit when taken from the perspective of the opportunity to reduce risk, and in turn, anxiety.  For this reason, many homeowners find that peace of mind is a terrific boon at only several hundred dollars per year.