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By Platinum Team February 28, 2013

Home Warranty Insurance Is Optional, But Many Consider It Essential

Home warranty coverage has never been mandatory. This differs from many other types of insurances. In stark contrast is automobile insurance, which is enforced with a fine in most states. Other optional insurances include life insurance, health insurance (for now), and house payment insurance. Whether a family takes advantage of these insurances depends on their current financial circumstances, their sense of responsibility, and their ability to produce a long-range financial plan. On the other hand, home warranty coverage, although optional, tends to be considered essential to many who contract it.

When a responsible person owns a home, they are concerned about two things: utility and aesthetics. In other words, they want things to work and they want the house to look good. The problem is that when there is a problem with a home or one of the major appliances fails, it is often an expensive repair prospect. For a family that is living on a month-to-month budget, this can mean that the appliance is not going to be fixed for at least a month. If the appliance in question is the air conditioner, and it breaks during the summer, the problems with waiting a month are obvious. Besides the discomfort, the family members may become terminally irritable, and health could be affected. Similar scenarios can be constructed for failures involving the water heater, the house heating system, or the washer / dryer system. This is the first bastion provided by the home warranty coverage, that repairs for key appliances are done within a few hours or days. When critical appliances like the water heater cause a flood that cannot wait for a lengthy repair, home warranty coverage can include emergency service, which can bring a qualified repairperson to your premises almost immediately at any time of the day or weekend.

The second thing that concerns a homeowner is the look of his home. It concerns the neighbors as well. Due to financial circumstances, a family may justify putting off repairs that affect the look of the home, but neighbors may not be so understanding. A home in disrepair lowers the values of the homes in the entire neighborhood. If your neighbor is trying to sell his home, it can cost him actual money. It also attacks the sophistication of the neighborhood, the elements that build a healthy pride in the inhabitants. Of course, not everyone cares what the neighbors think. More fools, they. However, they hurt themselves as well when the state of their home begins to destroy their own pride and self-esteem. Letting your apartment or rented home go to pot a little is one thing, but not taking care of your own property can really be damaging to the psyche.

Of course, you cannot buy what you cannot pay for, but this is when home warranty coverage can be so important. Although a family may struggle to keep up with the costs of home repair, especially when they all come at once, the cost of an annual home warranty is only in the range of several hundred dollars. If a family can budget this amount, then they can take care of problems concerning both how the house looks and how the house works. They can keep their beautiful home looking good and they can make sure that their life goes smoothly and efficiently with the benefit of working appliances.