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By Platinum Team September 12, 2016

Reclaiming Home: Not-so-spring Cleaning

Home is… Spring cleaning in September. Better late than never? We don’t know about you, but despite our honorable intentions, spring cleaning never seemed to manifest this year. The hall closet has definitely exceeded capacity, and who knows what’s gotten shoved in the back of the pantry. So, here’s to getting rid of those slacks that don’t fit right… and never have. Here’s to weeding out the stack of junk mail that’s weighing you down. We won’t pretend that spring cleaning is a joyous occasion. But, we do know battles are better fought in connection with others. So, as you partake in whatever aspect of spring cleaning you desire this week, be reminded – you’re not alone in that fight. As we strive to overtake some of the chaos in our own nest, know that we’re there in spirit with you too.   Warmly, The Platinum Team ]]>