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By Platinum Team August 14, 2016

Reclaiming Home: The Dinnertime Dash

The two seconds at the table devouring the semi-nourishing “meal” you managed to whip up.  It’s accompanied by the predictable banter you share with your family every day, and then the race to clean it all up before hitting the hay. We must confess – we’re not unfamiliar that dinnertime dash.  We’ve lost touch with what asparagus and rice truly taste like because they’re so speedily swallowed.  And, we do tend to ask the same questions at the table day after day. So this week, we’re slowing down dinner to make it a bit more meaningful.  And, we want you to join us.  To create more engaging table conversations, we’re equipping ourselves with some thought-provoking questions:

  • What are you grateful for?
  • What made you smile today?
  • It’s five years from now.  What are you, who are with with, and what are you doing?
  • If you had a free ticket to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Pick one or more question(s) to test-drive around your table this week.  As you eat, give each family member or friend a chance to share.  Challenge yourself to slow down, savor your bites and really listen,  And, for those of us that are parties of one, as we enjoy dinner let’s phone a friend to share in the conversation with us. Warmly, The Platinum Team   PS — Let us know how it goes.  What conversations did you have?  What flavors did you savor?  And, don’t feel limited to our questions alone.  We’d love to hear what others you come up with.  If someone captures some photos of this action, we want to see them.  Email them our way — [email protected]]]>